History of Gecom

Gecom first warehouse

The Story of GECOM started in the 70’s.

Genoa has always been a center of world shipping (click here and see our animated map), in 1972 Captain Anghele, one of the founding members of Gecom, helped to establish Carnival Cruise Line by assisting the acquisition and crewing of their first vessel MV “MARDI GRAS” (ex EMPRESS OF CANADA”).

Mauro Curione and Claudio Anghelè created Gecom in 1977, later joined by Elio Bonomo.

At the beginning the mission of Gecom was to trade deck machinery, engines and marine equipment; raw materials, food and minerals were quickly introduced leading to practically all needs of a ship from a single company.

From humble beginnings Gecom has grown in strength, stature and expertise to become a leader in the field of ship chandlery and specialist equipment supply with an ever extending knowledge base and Global Reach

Office & Warehouse

We have an autonomous structure with its own offices and warehouses and a vast number of companies, each one specialized in a specific branch, selected on the basis of the quality of the warehouse and the quality of their highly trained staff.

We guarantee that the result achieved is excellent.

Supplier code of conduct
